Show sizes of all tables in SQL Server

In one of my projects, the client is concerned about the size of the database. He wants to save money on hosting, so I was going to poke around & see where I could cull data (if any).

After a quick surf, Bill Graziano’s script from did what I needed. Make sure to run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE(‘databasename’) to get the most accurate results.

* BigTables.sql
* Bill Graziano (
* v1.11

declare @id int
declare @type character(2)
declare @pages int
declare @dbname sysname
declare @dbsize dec(15,0)
declare @bytesperpage dec(15,0)
declare @pagesperMB dec(15,0)

create table #spt_space
objid int null,
rows int null,
reserved dec(15) null,
data dec(15) null,
indexp dec(15) null,
unused dec(15) null

set nocount on

— Create a cursor to loop through the user tables
declare c_tables cursor for
select id
from sysobjects
where xtype = ‘U’

open c_tables

fetch next from c_tables
into @id

while @@fetch_status = 0

/* Code from sp_spaceused */
insert into #spt_space (objid, reserved)
select objid = @id, sum(reserved)
from sysindexes
where indid in (0, 1, 255)
and id = @id

select @pages = sum(dpages)
from sysindexes
where indid < 2
and id = @id
select @pages = @pages + isnull(sum(used), 0)
from sysindexes
where indid = 255
id = @id
update #spt_space
set data = @pages
where objid = @id

/* index: sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) – data */
update #spt_space
set indexp = (select sum(used)
from sysindexes
where indid in (0, 1, 255)
and id = @id)
– data
where objid = @id

/* unused: sum(reserved) – sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) */
update #spt_space
set unused = reserved
– (select sum(used)
from sysindexes
where indid in (0, 1, 255)
and id = @id)
where objid = @id

update #spt_space
set rows = i.rows
from sysindexes i
where i.indid < 2
and = @id
and objid = @id

fetch next from c_tables
into @id

select top 25
Table_Name = (select left(name,25) from sysobjects where id = objid),
rows = convert(char(11), rows),
reserved_KB = ltrim(str(reserved * d.low / 1024.,15,0) + ‘ ‘ + ‘KB’),
data_KB = ltrim(str(data * d.low / 1024.,15,0) + ‘ ‘ + ‘KB’),
index_size_KB = ltrim(str(indexp * d.low / 1024.,15,0) + ‘ ‘ + ‘KB’),
unused_KB = ltrim(str(unused * d.low / 1024.,15,0) + ‘ ‘ + ‘KB’),
idx_data_ratio = ltrim(str(indexp*100 /data) + ‘%’),
unused_pct = ltrim(str(unused * 100 /reserved) + ‘%’)

from #spt_space, master.dbo.spt_values d
where d.number = 1
and d.type = ‘E’
order by reserved desc

drop table #spt_space
close c_tables
deallocate c_tables