So apparently if I start a blog post but don’t submit it within an hour or two my session times out & I lose the post. Nice.
Anyhow, performance has been terrible with VS2008 inside of Virtual PC. CPU is pegged, 30 seconds to load pages, you know the drill.
So here are some tips to improve performance.
- Don’t use Virtual PC. Instead, run VS2008 on VMWare or your own computer, and have it access all CPU cores.
- Get good hardware. Quad-core CPUs, 3+gb RAM, fast disks (especially in a RAID 0 arrangement).
- Install the VS2008 Performance Patch. It didnt’ help me, but it might help you.
- Make sure your anti-virus is ignoring your VM & compile folders.
- Change your <compilation tempDirectory=”” /> to point to a very fast drive, like a RAM drive.
- Ensure VS2008 is running multiple parallel builds under the Tools->Options->Projects & Solutions->Builds & Compilation. The default is only 1 build at a time, but you can run more if you have a multi-core CPU.