I called a popular hosting provider today to talk with them about getting a client’s server order straightened out, as my client wasn’t able to make progress on a few issues. However, the account was set up in my client’s name only, which made the provider reluctant to assist me. I can understand that from a security standpoint, they can’t hand out information on the phone to just anyone, but still, the account rep sounded like I was wasting his time and couldn’t wait to get off the phone.
(FYI the account was set up in the client’s name so that they bill the client, not me.)
So here are some tips:
Tip for developers: When your client gets web hosting, make sure that you are listed as the technical contact (or a secondary technical contact), and that your client is listed as the administration & billing contact. This may require you being on the phone while the client places the order, or perhaps they can email server specs (provided by you) to the sales rep. Or I guess you could set up the order & then have the sales rep contact your client to switch the billing from you to them.
Tip for hosting providers: If a new client’s webmaster calls about an order, treat them like a new customer, not some prank caller.