A few interesting links on time and working:
- 37 signals post on how time is the one truly limited resource, and how measuring the time you spend on tasks helps you be more effective and stop wasting time on unimportant tasks
- Synap Software’s post on the “number one” reason people get sidetracked. Number 1? I dunno, but it’s up there, and might be the top distractor after you’ve gotten away from other IMO more common sidetrackers like other people, TVs, etc.
- GameProducer’s tips on how to avoid getting sidetracked, including a 1-hour solution for getting more accomplished.
I like the 1 hour solution bit … I already time all my tasks with a project timer I wrote, but sometimes I get a tired during the day and find myself tempted to check up on forums that I like, check email accounts I don’t use very often, check RSS feeds, etc. So treating those as a reward might help me avoid doing them.
Granted, I wouldn’t have found the above posts if I didn’t check RSS feeds, but hey … I can appreciate irony.