Easy FTP Uploads in your EXEs

One of my projects involves a complex financial database (stored in Access). I wanted to add a feature to the client EXE that allowed testers to FTP their current copy of the database to me so that I could try to reproduce problems without having to reenter all the data. I didn’t see an FTP control handy in VS2003, and I didn’t feel like messing around with Windows built-in FTP command line program, which doesn’t support passive mode & is annoying to pass parameters to.

So I found NcFTP, a free command line FTP program that fit the bill. Specifically, it offers a dedicated “uploader” program called NcFTPPut. Now, the codebehind for my “Upload Database” button looks like this

Private Sub UploadDatabase()
If MessageBox.Show(“Upload current database for testing? You must be connected to the internet.”, _
   “Confirm Upload”, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then

‘ make temporary copy of database
   Dim currentDB As String = AppConfig.GetDBFileName
Dim tmpDBName As String = currentDB.Replace(“.mdb”, “-“ & _
     System.DateTime.Now.ToString(“M-d-yyyy-h-m”) & “.mdb”)

   System.IO.File.Copy(currentDB, tmpDBName, True)

‘ upload using NcFTPPut
   Dim exe As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) & _
Dim params As String = “-u MyFTPUserName -p FTPPassword ftp.developmentnow.com . “”” & tmpDBName & “”””
     Dim myProcess As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(exe, params)


   Catch ex As Exception
     MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, “Error”, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

  ‘ delete temp copy
   End Try
End If
End Sub

It’s simple, but it works. Now whenever testers find problems with the program, they can just click the “Upload Database” button in my app to send me the data I need to reproduce the problem.