What Does Your Mobile Website (or lack thereof) Say About Your Business?

Market Watch recently published an article titled Your Smart Phone Says a Lot About You, that analyzed a set of sociological trends among owners of various popular Smartphone devices, including BlackBerries, Android devices and, of course, the iPhone.While it seems that their amusing investigation of the secret identities of mobile users was published solely for entertainment purposes, it certainly prompted us to consider a correlated matter (and as Smartphones become mainstream, it doesn’t seem impertinent to wonder): what sort of image or values are businesses conveying on the mobile web?

Businesses of all industries are starting to pay more attention to who’s visiting their sites—and what technology they’re using to get there.  More and more, site analytics are factoring into the decisions a company makes regarding digital media and online marketing, including how to manage the shift many consumers are making to the mobile web.  A couple of weeks ago we posted a blog about what one company, vegas.com found when they started tracking the number of visitors that were accessing their site from mobile devices—and guess what? When they discovered just how many leads they were losing every day because of how their site displayed in Smartphone browsers, mobilizing was an easy decision.

And while vegas.com is a great example of a company that was proactive about creating a mobile presence, many businesses still just aren’t in tune with the message they send to mobile users—or they haven’t established a budget or a strategy for mobile web development yet.  Frankly, it seems unlikely that any business interested in establishing a professional, polished image and engaging valuable leads would be complacent about how their company was represented on the mobile web.  Yet many brands and businesses are bouncing leads and missing sales opportunities every day because their sites aren’t accessible from mobile devices, or if they are, they’re major eye-sores in a mobile browser.  And, granted that mobile web development is still a relatively new trend, it’s still hard to believe that so many businesses haven’t made any plan for transitioning to the up and coming new medium—maybe they just haven’t considered what their website communicates to mobile users about their business.

As a matter of fact, we aren’t the first ones to call attention to this shortcoming: Ad Age, the online marketing and media news source, recently published an article cataloguing “The World’s Worst Agency Websites (For iPhones and iPads).” What was particularly interesting about their report was that it called out digital and creative ad agencies—companies whose primary function is to help brands with online marketing and media—for having sites that aren’t even accessible from iOS devices because they are so heavily laden with Flash content.  Even major international corporations were guilty of this—including Ogilvy, one of the worlds largest incorporated advertising agencies.  The report was eye-opening as it showed that even businesses that claim to have expertise with mobile marketing, are failing when it comes to actually demonstrating those skills on the mobile web.

The good news for businesses that still don’t have a mobile website, or any mobile strategy at all, is that it’s not too late to get in the game.  Going forward, sites that aren’t optimized for mobile browsers won’t impress the growing mobile user base—these companies stand to lose valuable business opportunities and fall behind the competition if they don’t adapt to the new technological frontier.  But as the need to engage mobile users becomes more critical every day, businesses, brands and agencies, will have to start giving more thought to how they’re representing their business on the mobile web—and what that representation conveys about their company