After a busy month here at DevelopmentNow, and after many hours of—well, development—we are proud to announce the launch of our latest creation, an original iPhone app for Manheim, the nation’s largest provider of vehicle auction services.
Upon launch of the official iPhone app, we’re very excited to see how our work will help Manheim to further engage dealers by offering real-time services, up-to-date product information and support through an accessible and easy-to-use mobile platform. The app will enable mobile users to get information quickly and reliably, including tracking up-to-the-minute sales data, and scanning VIN barcodes to instantly access Manheim’s full database of vehicle records.
With this app, we have helped extend the Manheim vision to a new frontier, by bringing the unique features and functionality of the site to the mobile platform. We believe the app provides exceptional value to automotive dealers by empowering them with the full capacity of Manheim’s services at their fingertips.
The app is compatible with iPhone3G, 3GS and 4, as well as recent models of the iPod Touch, and is available for download by authorized Manheim users in the iTunes app store.