Apple opens up with iOS 8 Extensions
Even though Android, and even jailbroken iOS devices, have been able to have apps interact with each other and the OS itself quite some time, Apple’s announcement of extensions is […]
Continue ReadingRetail Redefined
Do you remember those fond days when a sunday trip to your local B&M retailer made sense? When driving 30 minutes to the outlet stores and joining ravenous hordes in […]
Continue ReadingEvanta and BSC America
Developmentnow is proud to announce two new partnerships with two innovative companies in the mobile space, Evanta and BSC America. EVANTA Evanta serves Fortune 1000 CXOs and high-caliber executives across […]
Continue ReadingReinventing the Kiosk
Just as the internet laid waste to the door to door salesman, Kiosks may look to support and perhaps one day replace on-site customer support and sales assistance. For automotive […]
Continue ReadingHybrid Apps are for Fools
…April Fools, that is. Google’s April Fools’ prank involving a Pokemon scavenger hunt not only caught folks by surprise by launching a day early on March 31st, but also illustrated a […]
Continue ReadingStealing Underpants and Mobile Analytics
We work with many startups and established businesses looking to deploy an innovative solution, whether it’s a mobile app, a social content aggregator, or an undergarments crime ring. The problem […]
Continue ReadingMaking ComicMuzei
Muzei and Marvel, a powerful pair. Muzei Recently Roman Nurik, an Android Developer Advocate at Google, released his live wallpaper app, Muzei ( Muzei was an instant hit, showing off […]
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