QR Codes Boost Branding on the Mobile Web
One of the central benefits of marketing over the mobile Web, is that it makes it possible for brands to engage with mobile users in a unique, and more personalized […]
Continue ReadingReshaping the User Experience: Will Flipboard Change the Social Media Game?
The internets are abuzz—or, at least, every tech and social media community online is. A whirlwind debut marked the announcement and release of Flipboard, the innovative ‘social magazine’ for the […]
Continue ReadingDIY App Development? Not for Anyone Serious About Mobile Marketing.
What would the mobile Web be like if there was a magical program that gave everyone the tools to build apps? Google’s about to find out. This month, Google developers […]
Continue ReadingRefining the Mobile Experience: Time for QA?
It seems that “attenuation” is the mobile buzz-word of the week. In a press conference last Friday, Steve Jobs addressed the minor crisis that this word has presented for Apple […]
Continue ReadingIs Mobile the Next Frontier for Advertisers?
Advertising over the mobile web is no new development, but it’s certainly starting to look like a more profitable one, thanks to Apple’s iAd. In just the first day of […]
Continue ReadingWhat’s Next for the ‘Social Web?’
Chances are, if you’re like us (and the other 39 million ‘frequent social networkers’) you check your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn account at least twice a day (if it’s more […]
Continue ReadingUncle Sam Turns to Social Media for Business Solutions, and Why You Should Too
Social media is changing the way we think, connect and live—and no one is immune to this transformation—not even the federal government. Many federal departments, through mediums such as USA.gov, […]
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