LinqDataSource doesn't load child tables
FYI, there’s a bug in the RTM LinqDataSource where child tables aren’t loaded unless you have updating or deleting enabled. Apparently if you have a LinqDataSource that doesn’t have updates […]
Continue ReadingSome .NET blogging engines
SubText – BlogEngine – dasBlog – FYI we use dasBlog here, but SubText & BlogEngine look interesting …
Continue ReadingSubSonic DAL layers in Visual Studio
SubSonic is an open source project loosely modeled after Rails. It uses BuildProviders to automatically generate the DAL/ORM code at compile time, meaning you don’t have to manually regenerate code […]
Continue ReadingASP.NET or LAMP for Web Development?
This was inspired by a form post over in startupping, where people were discussing doing projects in ASP.NET or PHP (specifically, LAMP: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). I do both […]
Continue ReadingHTTP Compression for ASP.NET Sites
I’ve been having some issues with a hosting provider getting HTTP Compression set up correctly for ASP.NET pages in IIS. It’s not hard to set up, but you need to […]
Continue ReadingHTTP Compression in IIS
Ok ok, you want to compress your ASPX files in IIS, but you don’t want to do it for every site, and you want to exclude certain directories. You don’t […]
Continue ReadingASP.NET Wikis
I was looking at wikis recently and thought I”d list out the ASP.NET wiki”s I”ve noticed. Obviously there could be more, but here are the one”s I”ve seen: FlexWiki — […]
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