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Holiday Playlist 2017

The team is enthusiastically back with our wintry picks to guide you through this holiday season. We thought about songs that make us feel warm and cozy or remind us […]

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Written by Mara Connolly -- December 11, 2017
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Fall Playlist 2017

Our playlist selections (including not one but two different Thrillers!) this round fall under the categories of “spooky” and “Halloweeny”. I asked my colleagues “What songs creep you out or […]

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Written by Mara Connolly -- October 13, 2017
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Summer Playlist 2017

During the heyday of, I always looked forward to Fridays at work when we’d start a private room and share music within the office. There were a few misses (I […]

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Written by Mara Connolly -- August 8, 2017